The west coast of Jutland, Denmark

Scandinavia has become quite popular and well-spoken of the past years. This is partly due to the modern welfare-systems, its liberal politics, its modern architecture and design, and beautiful landscapes. Scandinavia is per definition Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. All countries have well-functioning welfare systems but also still have a king or a queen. It is called constitutional monarchy and the king or queen is mainly there to represent the country and its ancient history.
Scandinavia has a very interesting history. All countries remind each other in language, culture, and appearance. Yet they have fought each other for several centuries. They have jokes about each other to make sure that no one will confound them with each other. Their histories are deeply intertwined, but you also see remarkable differences.
The west coast of Jutland, Denmark
The view from a beautiful landscape hotel in Norway
A treetop cabin located at the deep forest in Sweden
In Scandinavia, you find some of the most beautiful nature. Norway has the mountains, the fjords, and raw, rocky coastline. Sweden has the big, deep forests, the many lakes, and the moose. Denmark has wild coasts and green fields. There are plenty of opportunities to explore the outdoors by hiking, biking, sailing a canoe, kayaking, or husky sleighing on Svalbard in Norway. Besides that, it offers plenty of city breaks.
Some text because it makes sense. More text should be added.
Humid jungle feel and exotic fruit sprinkles. You know you are in an Asian paradise.