Biosphere reserve by UNESCO
A UNESCO biosphere reserve is characterized by world-class nature and rare wealth of particularly vulnerable animal and plant species, which are included in national and international lists of endangered species. In the Møn Biosphere Area, you can experience most Danish habitats totaling 450 square kilometers, both on land and in the water.
Few places offer such diverse nature and well-preserved cultural heritage as Møn and the surrounding islands and water areas. In the Biosphere Reserve, you can experience most Danish habitats, both on land and in the water, at 450 square kilometers. During clear nights you can even look through the Milky Way all the way to the next galaxy.

Møns Klint and Geo Center of Møn.
Møns Klint is an absolute must-see attraction if going to the island Møn.
There are several ways of entering the beautiful landscape of Møns Klint, but the best way is to start at the Geo Center of Møn. At the center, you can learn everything about Møns Klint and read about the history of this area.
There are several hikes and activities such as treetop climbing located at the area of the Geo Center.
Busene Have
This is the perfect spot for an outdoor picnic. Not a lot of people knows about this unique little garden located next to the sea.
This is the greatest outdoor garden you can imagine. If you know about flora and fauna, what to eat and what not to eat from nature – then this spot will bring you the extra spices to your picnic buffet.
Klintholm Lakeview apartments
Klintholm Gods are the owner of most of the land close to Møns Klint.
Besides having great agriculture they also own the camping ground and the newly build Klintholm Lakeview apartments.
All the most sustainable solutions have been taking into account when building Klintholm Lakeview Apartments.
The fundament of the building is made of larch wood, which is impregnated from the natures. The roof is “decorated” with a special gull that filtrates the water from the rain so it can be used for the dishwashers in the restaurant.
The food is all made by-products or animals within a radius of 66km. The restaurant and hotel manager Mads Johansen cares a lot about animal welfare and sustainability and has taken those beliefs into his restaurant as well. The quality, taste, and service at the restaurant are absolutely incredible and the rooms of the hotel are like a place you wish was your apartment.
Hereford cattle
Klintholm Gods own a huge part of the land, where they keep their Hereford cattle. These cattle are moved around 6 times a year to different parts of the area due to different kinds of grass and forage for the animals. In this way, the biodiversity of the area becomes so great that the cattle become Co2 negative as cattle. There is such a high amount of water in the forage the cattle each which means the water production of these cattle is extremely low as well.
The calves at Klintholm Gods get to walk along with their mums for more than 1 year longer than in most cases because the production and money are less valuable than animal welfare.
Kong Asgers Fald
There are lots of rumors and old stories from this area of Denmark. As Mads Johansen told me – sometimes you just have to listen and enjoy the story, don´t analyze things too much!
This place is according to the stories the place where the old King Asger felt down the cliffs and died.
It is not one of the places of Møns Klint that tourist will find since the entrance to this lookout spot is behind a portable toilet.
You can only reach this lookout point by walking around 30 mins from the Geo Center to reach this lookout point.

Oddermose Strand
If you are visiting Møn during the summertime it might be nice with a swim, since the last couple of summers has been rather hot.
However, since Møns Klint and the area around it is filled with cliffs it´s can be difficult to find a beach with white sand. Oddermose Strand is what you are looking for.

Rytsebæk strand
Strandskoven is one of the most beautiful places in Vestmøn. The large beech trees stand right up to the cliffs at the beach and the area is treasured by locals as a lovely spot. From the forest, you can see over the entire Hjelm bay and High Møn in the distance. Strandskovens slopes are not high so it is, therefore, easier to get to the water. The beach is stony in most places, but the water is often sandy, and it is lovely to swim until the sun goes down. A great place to combine a picnic and a swim – but remember to clean up after you!
Hårbølle dairy farm
A few local productions at Møn has throughout the last couple of years made a huge impression on the rest of Denmark.
Hårbølle Mejeri is the dairy production company that provides the cheese for some of the best restaurants in Denmark, such as Salt, Rebel, Tårnet, Restaurant Palæ, and the list goes on.

Møns Brewery
Quality is the keyword in all their work at Bryghuset Møn (the brewery). They place high demands on everything they brew and do not use enzymes, preservatives or raw materials that are genetically manipulated. Their brewmaster takes pride in the fact that the beer is the best quality and therefore one of the important tasks for a brewmaster is to taste the product. All of our beers are carefully quality checked and has been tast before being bottled. In this way, they ensure a good experience every time a beer is enjoyed from Bryghuset Møn.
Møn water
In the beautiful nature between Møns Klint and Liselund they fetch their water. Møn Water slowly seeps through thick layers of chalk, which for millions of years have been deposited and act as nature’s water filter. It makes the water wonderfully soft and comfortable. Enjoy Møn Water completely natural or with gentle soft drinks.