This post is written in collaboration with Ecooking. Products are a gift and this post includes links to Ecookings website.

As some of you might already know, I(Karoline) was really sick
and had an acute appendix removal surgery only four months ago. It happened in one day and it happened while Rasmus was on Iceland with a friend, so I was all alone when I had the surgery. I remember that it all went down so fast in the hospital, and since I had no one to rely on by my side, I had to just go with it and toughen up.
When I woke up from the anaesthesia my stomach was covered in iodine and I had three new scars with stitches.
I remember, that I felt so sad because I thought I looked like a dead pig that vet students had practised stitches on. Sorry about the image, but that was what I felt like! My stomach hurt like hell, and I was so depressed for a week, because I kinda felt the whole after-effect of the shock of having gone through surgery. After the surgery, I never thought my stomach looked ugly or was unhappy about the look of the scars – because without the surgery I would have died. There wasn’t really an option. But it was so weird to see the cute little belly that had been mine for 24 years in a completely different condition.

I needed a way to re-connect with my wounded body,
and I thought that a little nurturing of the new scars might be the way. I asked a trusted friend, who is a beauty expert, which product I should use for the treatment of scars, and she told me about Ecooking.

I was recommended Ecookings Vitamin Boost Serum
(E-vitamin Serum on UK website) because the serum is extra rich on E vitamin, which is a hero in the battle against scaring. On a daily basis I put a small amount of the serum on the three scars on my belly, and if we were out travelling somewhere tropical, I was really aware of using sunscreen on the scars. I also used a micropore tape on the scaring every time I was out in the sun for hours to block the sun completely. And I must admit, this serum does the job! Today – only four months after the surgery – my scars look so tiny and unnoticeable, that I never feel ashamed or nervous about wearing a bikini or a crop top! Which is pretty hard to avoid as a frequent traveller. And what is even better, is the fact that I feel more connected to my ‘new’ body because I spent so much time nurturing my scared – yet beautiful belly.
So if you are a lady or gentleman in need of a product that truly works and some self-nurturing after a surgery or accident,
I can wholeheartedly recommend Ecooking and their Vitamin Boost Serum. It is also worth mentioning that most of Ecookings products are perfume free, vegan and consist almost only of natural organic ingredients. AND their jars are made of recycled materials. Overall – you can with a good conscience buy their products without feeling like a crappy consumer.
I hope that you can use this beauty hack if you have some battle scars of your own!